Just for fun
Having fun with the periodic table of the elements, enjoy :)
What's happening for kids in northern Colorado. Check the calendar for up to date information!
Having fun with the periodic table of the elements, enjoy :)
Posted by Shawn Walter at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Fall is just around the corner, thank goodness, and here are a few ideas for harvest festivals for you that we've enjoyed in the past:
High Plains History Fest will be at the Centennial Village Museum in Greeley September 21st – 24th There will be 30-35 living history demonstrations and hands-on activities. For more information, visit http://www.greeleygov.com/museums/HighPlainsHistoryFest.aspx
Miller Farms Harvest Festival This has been a favorite field trip for my kids. From the website: During the fall harvest, everyone takes a tractor ride to our fields with stops along the way to pick their own vegetables. They’ll get the fun and educational experience of putting their hands in the dirt, and the rewarding benefit of picking fresh produce to take home to their families. All of our activities and harvesting are included in the cost of admission. More information at http://www.millerfarms.net/events/fall-harvest-festival
Posted by Shawn Walter at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: admission fee, age: all, outdoors
I found this on Craigslist. I know nothing about the photographer, but their website is very professional. Might be a great opportunity for your budding photographer!
7/28: Photography Workshop for Kids (Northern Colorado)
One Day Photography Workshop for Kids
Ages 12 to 18
$25 per person
We're a professional photography studio located in Greeley, CO. Workshop will be conducted by a professional photographer with a degree in photography. Photographer Tena Olson earned her degree in Los Angeles where she lived for 20 years before opening O Photography Studio in Colorado almost 2 years ago. She is a Fine Art Photographer who specializes in Fine Art and Wedding and Portrait photography. She has been conducting workshops for 10 years in Los Angeles where she has also had many exhibits of her work.
The one day workshop will give your kids the opportunity to learn some invaluable techniques in photography including learning to read light, understand how to use their camera, learn compositional techniques and more...not to mention just have a good time with other kids who are interested in photography and being outdoors. The workshop will take place in and around Masonville, Carter Lake and Horsetooth Reservoir. Classes limited to 10 people. Sign up soon. $25 per person - all day.
To sign up, visit www.ophotographystudio.com/workshops
Posted by Shawn Walter at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: admission fee, age: teen, registration required
My kids were forever telling me they were hungry, asking for a snack and another snack and another snack...you get the idea. So I decided to make up a list of what they could have and get for themselves. So many people have told me they like that idea that I thought I'd share it here. Of course, you could modify it to your family's likes/dislikes.
Breakfast (pick 1) | ||
2 pieces of toast with butter and jelly or peanut butter or cream cheese or 1 small spoonful of cinnamon sugar for both pieces | 1 bowl of cereal w/milk | 1 egg and 1 piece of toast |
1 yogurt with 1 piece of fruit | Oatmeal or grits with 1 small squirt of syrup or 1 small spoonful of brown sugar |
Snacks (between breakfast and lunch and again between lunch and dinner) | ||
List 1 (pick 1) | List 2 (pick 2) | List 3 (as many as you need) |
1 candy | 20 Pretzels | Fruit |
1 Granola bar or other bars | 10 Crackers | Vegetables |
1 cup chips or cheezy poofs | 1 cup applesauce | Gum (only 2 pieces at a time) |
1 muffin | ½ cup of peanuts |
1 popsicle | 2 pieces of cheese |
1 package of crackers with cheese or peanut butter in them | 2 meat sticks |
½ cup of raisins |
| |
| 4 dried apricots |
| Yogurt or go-gurt |
| ½ bag popcorn |
| 15 small rice cakes |
| 1 big rice cake |
| 1 hard boiled egg |
| 1 cup cottage cheese |
| ½ cup hummus or bean dip |
| 1 tamale |
| 1 chicken leg |
Posted by Shawn Walter at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: helpful lists
In case your kids are telling you they are bored, as mine are doing, I thought I'd share my newest list. These are things my kids can do at home basically by themselves. Hopefully, this will spark some ideas for them!
Things to do when you are bored | |||
Draw or color | Make an obstacle course | Knit, crochet or cross stitch | Work on 4H projects |
Do a craft | Build with legos | Play with the dogs | Work on a Girl Scout Badge |
read | Play hide & seek | Do your chores | Do jumping jacks |
Go through magazines for fun ideas | School work | Collect leaves or flowers and press them | Make some bead necklaces |
Write a story | Sing | Playdough | Make a tent with blankets |
Pull weeds | Make a braided or tied bracelet | Put on a play | Do a puzzle |
Listen to a book on cd | Collect seeds | Take a shower | Find cloud shapes |
Start a nature journal | Play hopscotch | Write a letter | Watch bugs |
Make a treasure map/treasure hunt | Plan a trip to another planet | Cut pictures from old magazines for a collage | Take a nap |
Make rock pets | Play leappad | Play dressup | Play store |
Make a fairy house outside | Make up a new word and what it means | Blow bubbles outside | Watch netflix |
Memorize something like a poem or song | Change the sheets on your bed | Play library | Play computer games |
Make popcorn | Work on a scrapbook | Play with balloons | Invent a new world |
Create your own holiday | Watch library movies | Explore the backyard, take notes | Visit cakewrecks |
Make up your own Bored list |
Play Games |
| Cold Weather | Warm Weather |
Twister Moves | War | Go sledding | Color with Chalk outside |
Food Pyramid | Yahtzee | Build a snowman | Write on the sidewalk with ice cubes |
Blockus (kitchen table only) |
| Build a snow fort | Play in the sprinkler |
| Make a snow obstacle course | Play in the pool |
| Make snow angels | Ride bikes |
| Swing in the snow | Paint sidewalk with water |
| Play soccer in snow! | Wash the car |
| Snowshoe | Wash your bike |
Posted by Shawn Walter at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: helpful lists
Hooray!! Finally I've found the Ft Collins Natural Areas Catalog. Lots and lots of activities for families in there. Some require registration and others do not. I believe all are free. Be sure and check it out!
Posted by Shawn Walter at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: age: all, fort collins, free, outdoors
Carmike & Cinema Saver 6 both have $1 movies. Carmike has $1 popcorn and soda too. Both are Tuesdays at 10am.:
2010 Summer Kid's Series
Wow! Cool off with us this Summer while you enjoy one of your favorite blockbuster films from the past on one of our large screens for only a buck. That's right kids, you can watch a film for only a buck with Carmike's Summer Kid's Series. Also, popcorn and drink are only a buck each. What better way to stay cool on these hot summer days. Series showing at select locations. Please contact the manager at your local Carmike theatre for more details.
http://www.amcentertainment.com/smc/Looking for a cool getaway for gobs of kids this summer? Bring them to AMC Summer MovieCamp and enjoy the magic of movies! Summer MovieCamp will be offered at 10 a.m. each Tuesday morning this summer at participating theatres, from June 15 through August 10. At only $1 admission, it’s an affordable option for summer fun for families and groups. All admission and concession proceeds will benefit two AMC charities, Variety – The Children’s Charity and the Will Rogers Institute.
No outside food will be allowed during Summer MovieCamp but you can take advantage of our KidsPack™ concession combos for $4 – more than 30% off the regular price.*
Advance tickets will be on sale starting June 8 at 214 participating AMC theatre locations and online. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. and shows will begin at 10 a.m. local time nationwide. See a list of participating theatres or search by zip code to get tickets. Tickets for each week will be on sale approximately one week prior to the scheduled show date.
Posted by Shawn Walter at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: admission fee, age: all, fort collins
Looking for things to do this summer? Here's a non-inclusive list of fun things to do! (Note: some are free, others are not)
City Park Pool
Greeley Funplex
Loveland Swim Beach
Windsor Lake Swim Beach
Horsetooth Reservior
Boyd Lake
Poudre River (Picnic Rock is great!)
Oak St Plaza in FtC has their water park turned on (Fossil Creek and Spring Canyon will be OFF this year due to budget shortfalls)
Colorado State Parks http://parks.state.co.us/Pages/HomePage.aspx
Colorado National Parks http://www.nps.gov/state/co/index.htm
Don't forget Junior Ranger Programs while you are there
Wyoming is close by for camping opportunities as well
Various Summer Free Music
Ben & Jerry's FAC Concert Series, 7pm Fridays, May 28-Aug 6, downtown FtC
Noontime Notes, 11:30-1 Tuesdays, June 1-Aug 10, Oak St Plaza
Streetmosphere, 4-8pm Friday, 12-8pm Saturday, 1-5pm Sunday, June 4-Oct 17 (music, theater and performance art, downtown FtC)
CSU Concert Series, 6:30-8:30pm, July 7-Aug 11, CSU Lagoon
Foote Lagoon Concerts, 7-9pm, June 17-Aug 5, 500 E. 3rd St, Loveland
Live Theatrical Performances
Tuesday Theater for Kids at the Rialto http://www.ci.loveland.co.us/rialto/rialto.htm#June
Shakespeare at Sunset http://sota.colostate.edu/summer-theatre-shakespeare-at-sunset/
High Plains Chautauqua (Dr Seuss, Ben Franklin & more!) http://www.highplainschautauqua.org/hpc_description.html
Sculpture Parks
Swetsville Zoo
Loveland Sculpture Park
Chapunga Sculpture Park at Centerra
Area Festivals
Loveland Cherry Pie Festival http://www.ci.loveland.co.us/Cultural_Services/cultural_services_museum_specialevents_cherrypie.htm
Loveland Corn Roast Festival http://www.engagingloveland.org/events/cornroast
New West Fest in FtC
Fort Collins Natural Areas Programs http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/
Gardens at Spring Creek
CSU Demonstration Gardens at the Old Fort Collins High School (perfect thing to do before Shakespeare at Sunset
Garbage Garage Programs
Library Programs – reading programs, puppet shows and more!
Drive-in Movies
Train & Trolley Rides
Discovery Science Center
Posted by Shawn Walter at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: age: all, fort collins, free, multiple categories, music, outdoors, registration not required, registration required
Naturally Yours
Spring Break is Here! Free Programs and Events
Bobcat Ridge Spring Break "Break" Looking for something to do outside during spring break? Bring your family to Bobcat Ridge Natural Area for hands-on nature explorations, pioneer games, and a fun hike. Arrive anytime between 9:30 a.m. and Noon on Thursday, March 18 or Thursday, April 1. Free--no reservations required. For more information, call 970-217-3075 or email dprice@fcgov.com.
Destination Fort Collins: Spring Break Passport: The Natural Areas Program is excited to be part of the Spring Break Passport program in 2010! Hop on your bike or the bus and spend each day of spring break taking advantage of unique natural areas, parks, museums and other fun destinations around town. The passport program is free, and if you get your passport book (available at all participating organizations) stamped, you are eligible for prizes like a bike and gift cards to local businesses! Pick up your passport at these and other locations:
* City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Program office
* The Farm at Lee Martinez Park
* Fort Collins Museum and Discovery Science Center
* Gardens on Spring Creek
* Lincoln Center
* Northside Aztlan Center
* CSU Environmental Learning Center
Birds and Bugs in Your Backyard March 31
Create a beautiful sanctuary for yourself and wildlife in your own backyard. As part of the City's Residential Environmental Program Series, local experts Dr. Boris Kondratieff, CSU, and Dave Leatherman, retired Colorado State Forest Service, will provide tips to welcome and observe a variety of birds and beneficial insects in your yard. Discover how to assess your current landscape, modify it or plan a brand new one. Wed. March 31, 7-9 p.m. Details >>>
Natural Areas Annual Report
Each year, the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Program reports to the community about its accomplishments, revenue and expenditures. Highlights of 2009 included the opening of Soapstone Prairie Natural Area and more. Read the 2009 Annual Report (pdf) >>> The printed version will be available soon.
Friday Night Astronomy
Join knowledgeable and friendly volunteers from the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society for a free evening of star gazing at Fossil Creek Reservoir Regional Open Space.
* Friday, March 19, 6:30-10 p.m.
* Friday, April 16, 7-10 p.m.
* Friday, May 21, 8-10 p.m.
*This program may be canceled due to cloudy skies or high winds so check the Natural Areas homepage for updates.
Details >>
Thanks for reading! Newsletter comments are welcome. Please contact Zoe Whyman, Natural Areas Community Relations Manager, 970-221-6311 or zwhyman@fcgov.com
Posted by Shawn Walter at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: age: all, fort collins, free, outdoors
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