Harvest Festivals
Fall is just around the corner, thank goodness, and here are a few ideas for harvest festivals for you that we've enjoyed in the past:
High Plains History Fest will be at the Centennial Village Museum in Greeley September 21st – 24th There will be 30-35 living history demonstrations and hands-on activities. For more information, visit http://www.greeleygov.com/museums/HighPlainsHistoryFest.aspx
Miller Farms Harvest Festival This has been a favorite field trip for my kids. From the website: During the fall harvest, everyone takes a tractor ride to our fields with stops along the way to pick their own vegetables. They’ll get the fun and educational experience of putting their hands in the dirt, and the rewarding benefit of picking fresh produce to take home to their families. All of our activities and harvesting are included in the cost of admission. More information at http://www.millerfarms.net/events/fall-harvest-festival
Anderson Farms The fall festival at Anderson Farms includes a huge corn maze, pumpkin picking and more. For more information visit http://www.andersonfarms.com/
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