Northern Colorado Kids Calendar of Events

16 July 2010

Mom, I'm bored!

In case your kids are telling you they are bored, as mine are doing, I thought I'd share my newest list. These are things my kids can do at home basically by themselves. Hopefully, this will spark some ideas for them!

Things to do when you are bored

Draw or color

Make an obstacle course

Knit, crochet or cross stitch

Work on 4H projects

Do a craft

Build with legos

Play with the dogs

Work on a Girl Scout Badge


Play hide & seek

Do your chores

Do jumping jacks

Go through magazines for fun ideas

School work

Collect leaves or flowers and press them

Make some bead necklaces

Write a story



Make a tent with blankets

Pull weeds

Make a braided or tied bracelet

Put on a play

Do a puzzle

Listen to a book on cd

Collect seeds

Take a shower

Find cloud shapes

Start a nature journal

Play hopscotch

Write a letter

Watch bugs

Make a treasure map/treasure hunt

Plan a trip to another planet

Cut pictures from old magazines for a collage

Take a nap

Make rock pets

Play leappad

Play dressup

Play store

Make a fairy house outside

Make up a new word and what it means

Blow bubbles outside

Watch netflix

Memorize something like a poem or song

Change the sheets on your bed

Play library

Play computer games

Make popcorn

Work on a scrapbook

Play with balloons

Invent a new world

Create your own holiday

Watch library movies

Explore the backyard, take notes

Visit cakewrecks

Make up your own Bored list

Play Games

Cold Weather

Warm Weather

Twister Moves


Go sledding

Color with Chalk outside

Food Pyramid


Build a snowman

Write on the sidewalk with ice cubes

Blockus (kitchen table only)

Build a snow fort

Play in the sprinkler

Make a snow obstacle course

Play in the pool

Make snow angels

Ride bikes

Swing in the snow

Paint sidewalk with water

Play soccer in snow!

Wash the car


Wash your bike


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