Natural Areas Summer Activity Guide is out!
Here's the email I received from the Ft Collins Natural Areas Program:
The Natural Areas Program's guide to free summer activities, Tracks and Trails, has been published online! The printed version will arrive soon and be available at trailheads and at 75 local businesses.
New this year:
- Nature Nuggets for children 3-7 years old, offered twice a month at Fossil Creek Reservoir Regional Open Space or Bobcat Ridge Natural Area.
- Natural Areas After Dark programs- more nighttime hikes with separate walks for families or adults. A Family of Stars includes a special starlab presentation, and discounted purchase of a telescope and star wheel.
- Natural Explorations including Nature by Bike, Prairie Grasses for Beginners, Soapstone in the Spotlight and more!
- Free online registration is available using the same system as the Recreator, webtrac. Free phone registration is also available. Registration for each activity opens two weeks before the date of the activity. Most programs do not require registration.
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